Case Study Reports

Transforming Family Conflict:

an exploration of the contexts, skills and perceptions of four community peacebuilders

Read the Summary Report ONLINE.

Download the Reports:

FULL REPORT, approximately 50 pages (1.75 mb) - PDF version
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

Summary Report, FULL COLOR (2.5 mb) - PDF version
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

Summary Report, TEXT ONLY (108 kb) - PDF version
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

Summary Report, KHMER, FULL COLOR ( COMING SOON ) - PDF version
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

PowerPoint Presentation - English (3.84 mb) - HERE
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

PowerPoint Presentation - Khmer (2.3 mb) - HERE
(right click and 'save as' if you have trouble accessing the document)

An article summarizing results of 3 focus group discussions held during presentations of the case study research results is also available - HERE.
Guiding questions were related to: Gender (In your experience, what is the impact of gender stereotypes on family conflict and violence in Cambodia?), Traditional Reconciliation Process (In your experience, what are the strengths and limitations of the traditional reconciliation process on transforming family conflict?), Biggest Challenges (From your perspective, what are the most significant obstacles for families in building healthy, violence-free relationships?), and Creating change (From your experience, what interventions are most needed now?).

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